School Uniform: Wear it with Pride
A Stylish and Distinctive Look. Our school uniform is designed to create a smart and cohesive appearance.

Why Wear a School Uniform?
A Stylish and Distinctive Look. Our school uniform is designed to create a smart and cohesive appearance.
At St Dubricius First School, we believe that wearing a school uniform instills a sense of pride, belonging, and unity among our students. It also prevents children and parents from feeling obliged to keep up with the latest fashion trends during school time. Our school sweatshirts and other personalised items can be purchased from the school office or via the Parentmail App.
Here are some key benefits of wearing our school uniform:
A Stylish and Distinctive Look. Our school uniform is designed to create a smart and cohesive appearance. It consists of:
- White polo shirt with the school emblem
- Royal blue sweatshirt with the school emblem
- Black or grey trousers
- Black or grey skirts
- Blue gingham summer dresses (summer term only)
- Black shoes - school style with low heels. Trainers, boots, sandals or any high heels are not allowed during the school day.
PE Kit
- gym shoes (daps or plimsolls)
- white t-shirt
- navy shorts
- named kit bag
For safety reasons children should not wear any jewellery in school. However, if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn. These will need to be removed for PE lessons and if your child goes swimming
Please note it is not compulsory to purchase clothing with the school logo.
Ordering and Availability
We want to make it easy for you to access our school uniform. A supply of new uniform and book bags can be purchased directly from the school. We ensure teh uniform we provide is high quality and durability.
Financial Support
We understand that managing the cost of school uniform can be a concern for some families. If you require financial support with purchasing our school uniform, please reach out to our school office. We are here to assist you and ensure that every child has access to the appropriate uniform.
We regularly hold second-hand uniform sales and welcome donations of used, good quality uniform no longer required by your child.
Express Your Personal Style
While we encourage students to wear our school uniform, we understand the importance of individuality. Garments without the school emblem are permitted, as long as they are in line with our school colours. We believe that students can still showcase their personal style within the guidelines of our uniform policy.
Ordering Process
To order your school uniform and book bags, simply visit the school office or use your Prentmail App to purchase.
Wearing our school uniform is a wonderful way for students to feel part of the St Dubricius First School community. It promotes a sense of belonging, encourages pride in our school, and prepares students for a successful and focused learning experience. Join us in embracing our school uniform and let's show off our style together!
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