Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning is a pillar of the Moorland Federation's educational approach. We believe in embracing the natural world as a dynamic and stimulating classroom.

Moorland Federation: Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning is a pillar of the Moorland Federation's educational approach. We believe in embracing the natural world as a dynamic and stimulating classroom.

Outdoor learning is a pillar of the Moorland Federation's educational approach. We believe in embracing the natural world as a dynamic and stimulating classroom. As part of this commitment, we've established innovative projects like Generation Exmoor and stimulating Forest Schools, aimed at encouraging diverse learning experiences and cultivating growth mindsets.

Welcome to Generation Exmoor

Generation Exmoor: Nurturing Minds in Nature

Generation Exmoor stands as our flagship outdoor learning project, proudly developed in collaboration with Cutcombe and Exford CofE First Schools and the Exmoor National Park Authority. We are thrilled to extend this unique opportunity to Timberscombe CofE First School, starting from September 2023.

Embracing Exmoor's Natural Classroom

Every fortnight, our KS2 students have the privilege of immersing themselves in the splendour of Exmoor, dedicating a full day to curriculum learning within our beautiful National Park. The program follows a progressive structure, ensuring that each session builds on the knowledge gained in previous ones, fostering an environment that enhances both learning and memory.

Learning Beyond Boundaries

A Comprehensive Learning Experience

Our Generation Exmoor days present an opportunity to learn and explore across a variety of subjects such as history, geography, science, PSHE, PE, and even English and maths. This ensures a comprehensive, cross-curricular learning experience that taps into each student's unique interests and learning styles.

An Outdoor Classroom

Forest School: Cultivating Growthand Resilience

Our dedication to outdoor learning also shines through in our Forest School program. Managed by qualified practitioners, we offer high-quality Forest School sessions for Reception and Key Stage 1 children within the grounds and close vicinity of our schools.

Fostering a Growth Mindset

Forest School is not just about exploring nature, but also about fostering a growth mindset amongst our students. By encouraging curiosity, resilience, and problem-solving, we aim to instill in our students a love for learning and a sense of self-confidence that they carry with them beyond the school years.

At the Moorland Federation, we understand that children learn indifferent ways. It's this understanding that drives our dedication to providing each child with the opportunity to flourish in their element. Through our outdoor learning programs, we hope to inspire a sense of wonder, respect for nature, and a lifelong love for learning in every student.

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