Our School Day

Explore a day in the life of a Langford Budville student, starting from the moment the school opens its doors at 8:40am till the last bell rings at 3:15pm.

Our School Day

An Exciting Journey: The Langford Budville School Day Experience

Explore a day in the life of a Langford Budville student, starting from the moment the school opens its doors at 8:40am till the last bell rings at 3:15pm.

Our school is open from 8:40am (school starts at 8.45am) the school day finishes 3:15pm.  

School Day: 8.45am - 3:15pm

Morning break - 10.30am - 10.45am

Lunch break - 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Official registers are recorded at 8.50am and close at 8.55am, the second register is undertaken after lunch.  

There is a 15 minute Collective Worship every day, but the time may vary.

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