All Saints CoE School's Vision, Values and Ethos

“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me” John 10:14

As a Church of England School, we aim to make a positive and lasting difference to all children, families and the wider community through our secure, caring environment in which children are given equal opportunity to feel valued, have their individual needs met and reach their full potential.

Just as Jesus is a shepherd of the sheep; the one who protects, guides, and nurtures His flock, All Saints C of E School is committed to knowing, guiding and protecting its pupils, supporting all those who are under our watchful eye.

Our aims

We aim to:

  • Enable each child to reach their full potential in all aspects of the school curriculum.
  • Provide children with an education appropriate to the world beyond the classroom.
  • Develop in children a love of learning, a pride in work well done and a desire to expand their knowledge and skills throughout life.
  • Help children learn to live together in a community and to become responsible, independent people, who are able to think deeply about the world around them and to respect other races, religions, ways of life and points of view.
  • Develop in children a positive sense of moral responsibility, giving them the self-confidence and skills to express their opinions.
  • Offer each member of the school community an experience of Christian life and worship.
  • Value and foster links with and between home, school, parish and the wider community.

Our school values

Christian values are at the heart of everything we do at All Saints CoE Infant School. Our inclusive ethos underpins our belief that we are here for all who are in our local community. We seek to develop and support all within our school community, regardless of Faith, race, gender or ability. This links to Jesus’ teachings that the kingdom of God is open to all.

The values show us the way at times when we, like the lost sheep, may need help and guidance.

Throughout the year we focus on Christian values. This is done explicitly through our Collective Worship and also through our curriculum. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on the values and to develop an understanding of the value in action. They use the school's reflection areas to allow time for personal reflection, spiritual development and prayer.

A member of the All Saints Church regularly leads our worship to help us reinforce our understanding of the Christian values; Bible stories are shared and we reflect on what they mean to us in our everyday lives. For festivals and special occasions, we hold services at All Saints Church in Dulverton.

Collective worship for the whole school takes place on Mondays (with the Junior School) and Thursday (linked to our Christian Values) in the hall. There is separate class collective worship on Tuesdays and worship through music on Wednesdays. Friday worship is our opportunity to celebrate learning with the Junior School pupils.

Through our RE teaching our pupils also gain awareness and understanding of other world religions.

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